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👉 Discover all updates carried out over the past weeks (release notes)

Updated March 12th, 2025

Whaller is a platform that is constantly evolving (we update it functionally more than 3 times a week, and currently every day). The features and improvements listed on this "roadmap" page are to be seen as adaptable and not fixed.

At Whaller, we have always built our product with our users, and our customers. The 3 releases per week are short iterative cycles that allow us to take your suggestions into account, sometimes very quickly. Do not hesitate to write to us and share your ideas on or via our online support.

Projects under development

Web application:
File Box improvements :
- Rights on individual files and folders (read, write, delete) ( March 2025 )
- File validation workflow (via tasks) ( April 2025)
- Document templates ( April 2025)
Redesign of message cards (surveys, tasks, events, gifts, classifieds)
Classified ads: creation of a page listing all the classified ads posted in a federation, with the option of searching by geolocation, category, tag, etc. ( April 2025*)
New functionality: a welcome popup for white labels ( April 2025*)
Graphical enhancement of the ‘Latest Posts’ widget ( June 2025*)
Sphere label management (merge, import, create, delete, etc.) ( June 2025*)
Ability to export the list of companies to Excel (see Whaller ARENA) ( July 2025*)
Geographical map: extend the organisations map (currently accessible in a federation) into a more generic geographical map tool that will display: organisations, members, classified ads ( October 2025*)
Tracking of links clicked on box files and messages

Mobile application:
Classified ads: creation of a page bringing together all the classified ads posted in a federation ( April 2025*)

Walker Drive
Performance improvements ( before summer 2025*)

And always: improvements to interfaces, routes and existing functionalities.

Prioritized projects and features

Web application:
Improved Discussions
- Writing emojis
- Add/delete people in a discussion after the fact
- Drag & Drop files
- Deleting a message in a discussion
- Reactions
- Edit messages already posted (‘Discussions’)
Filter unread messages
Create a ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode
Application store for managers and administrators
Improved polls:
- Be able to edit a poll after the fact,
- Be able to edit the labels of satisfaction questionnaires,
- Option not to publish results to members,
- Add an image to a survey response (multiple choice).
Redesign of the root page
Telephony: Possibility of joining a BBB videoconference via a telephone call.
Cybersecurity options:
- Automatic account deactivation after xx days,
- Mandatory validation of email address changes by the administrator,
- Reporting of emails that have returned a message from a non-existent recipient.
Improvements to the File Box
- Thumbnail view

Mobile application:
The Whaller application appears in a phone's sharing options,
Deep link mechanism: when you click on a link to a sphere, message, invitation, etc. in an e-mail, the Whaller application opens,
Integration of a viewer for uploaded videos,
Editing of messages already posted (‘Discussions’)
Ability to edit a message or comment

*These priorities are not ‘contractual’ and vary according to a number of criteria, in particular: we always give priority to developments financed by our customers.

Updated on: 12/03/2025

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