How to onboard members?

Some important steps
Prepare the announcement of your tool change
Making the transition to a new tool is a decisive phase in the life of an organization. It is often accompanied by apprehension when it comes to changing one's usual points of reference.
To ensure successful engagement with the tool, it is important to get your members on board as early as possible. Prior to the launch, plan a prominent announcement introducing the tool, the new ways of working and communicating and, above all, highlight its added value for your organisation.
Prepare for change progressively
Thereafter, a key point is to make this transition gradually but firmly in order to conduct an effective change management and to bring on board even the most reluctant members. To encourage your members' activity on the network, it is essential to lead by example. As a manager of an organisation, you need to master the platform at your fingertips, post content regularly and encourage your members to interact.
Gain focus by centralizing your interactions
Whaller is an "all-in-one" social networking and collaboration platform. The main benefits are the reduction of emailing and the end of multiple collaborative tools. Indeed, the sphere and its tools offer multiple possibilities for communication and collaboration.
Get your members on board thanks to training
For effective adoption and use of the platform, it is essential to train your members and provide them with the necessary resources (tutorials, user guides, discovery webinars, etc.) in order to make the functionalities their own. The more autonomous they are with the tool, the more they will become active members of your organisation.
Identify the right people to implement the change management
To help you with this work, it will be necessary to identify ambassadors - comfortable with social networks and communication - to implement the strategy you have defined. In a large-scale deployment, these ambassadors will be involved as beta testers for your organization before the official launch.
Later, they will have a key role in animating the network. Choose collaborators who are enthusiastic about the project and the use of new tools. You can then give them rights by naming them as sphere administrator or publisher
1. Train your members with the available resources
Whaller is easy to learn and it is determinant that your users master the platform from the start in order to become real players in your network.
We offer several resources to support your users :
Our welcome guides
For organization managers : discover the administration pages (requests, invitations, members, spheres, analytics...)
For sphere administrators : discover the features in the sphere (requests and invitations, members, moderation, tools)
For members : discover how to create a network, interfaces, icons, publications
Articles from our online help
Tutorials on our Whaller channel : getting started on Whaller and Whaller features
Contact our Whaller support team directly at or via the "Need Help" button at the bottom right of your screen.

2. Participate in our interactive webinar sessions
Une fois par mois, nous organisons un webinaire de découverte de Whaller d'environ trois quarts d'heure visant à vous présenter l'essentiel de la plateforme et à faciliter vos premiers pas. Au cours de cette démonstration, nous passons en revue le fonctionnement général de Whaller, la création de réseau et notamment tout ce qu'il est possible de faire au sein d'une sphère : envoyer des messages - à tous les membres ou privés -, organiser des événements & des visioconférences, assigner des tâches, lancer un sondage etc.
Once a month, we hold a Whaller discovery webinar for about 45 min to introduce you to the basics of the platform and make your first steps easier. During this demonstration, we go over the general features of Whaller, the creation of a network and in particular all the actions you can do within a sphere: send messages - to all members or in private -, organize events & videoconferences, assign tasks, launch a poll, etc.
These webinars are interactive, allowing you to address all your questions live. So don't wait any longer and encourage your members to participate in the Discovery Webinar as soon as possible!
For all requests for personalized training or webinars, please contact us to the following address:
3. Our tips
Create a help area: dedicated to your members' questions to make access to information easy and seamless.
The administration of this sphere will be delegated to people who master both the platform and your internal organization.
Take advantage of the file box to drop in help materials and/or set up sphere widgets, such as useful links or videos to anticipate your members' questions.
Create and customize your own tutorials:
There's nothing like resources that reflect your organization to get your members on board! When they arrive, you can provide them with a "starter kit" composed of tutorials, guides or best practices that you want to implement.
Set up a regular meeting:
Encouraging dialogue with your community will allow you to create a bond and facilitate their adaptation. These events - in person or by videoconference - will allow you to create links, develop membership, and why not accompany your members during training sessions. Moreover, it will be an opportunity to get their feedback and to collect improvements on the organization of your network and/or the platform.
Submit your requests for improvement:
Please have a look at existing suggestions, vote and add yours according to your expectations suggestion platform.
Updated on: 09/02/2023
Thank you!