Release notes
Projects and improvements developed
Web application:
Analytics: add statistics on the number of clicks and downloads per file in the file boxes.
Activity logs: track changes to files and folders in file boxes
Ability to search for files by tags
Mobile application:
Possibility of accessing sphere widgets from the application
Translated with (free version)
Web application:
IAssistant: ability to generate images when creating a message (available only with OpenAi).
Event: Integration of recurrence in the calendar
File box: possibility of allowing ‘publishers’ to upload a file even if they are neither owners nor admins.
Mobile application:
Possibility of setting a message and/or comment to ‘unread’.
Web application:
Whaller ARENA (new offer): The bespoke social network for large organisations that includes:
- Public spheres and conversations
- Private discussions
- Member and company directory
- Personalised suggestions
- Geolocation map
- Improved map design
- Appearance of ‘guests’ (people who have booked a place at an event without having a Whaller account) in the list of participants
- Possibility of creating events without generating a notification in the feed
Sphere type DR ( Restricted Diffusion): when the option is activated (at organisation level), it is possible to create or change the type of sphere.
Improvements to Discussions :
- Performance
Web application:
encrypted spheres: ability to create end-to-end encrypted spheres
Search engine (sphere): ability to filter by message author
Discussions: ability to leave a discussion
Mobile application:
Discussions: ability to leave a discussion
Ability to leave a sphere
Notifications: you can change the settings
Web application:
Sphere option:
- Improved display of “Survey” card responses
- Enhanced “Task” card
- Possibility of deactivating task status update notifications
CMS: ability to open a link in a new tab
Matching: Whaller can be configured as a “Wide Social Network” with :
- People Matching ( People suggestions based on criteria defined by managers ),
- Company and profiles matching,
- Company filtering by geolocation.
Enhanced File Box:
- Upload a new version of a file directly from the web interface.
Recorded videoconferences:
- Publication of the replay file in the sphere
- Publication of full transcript in the sphere (if Whaller (IA)ssistant is enabled)
Mobile application:
Unified search engine
Autonomous account deletion (users can delete their own accounts)
Graphic redesign of home page
Web application:
Whaller (IA)ssistant : ability to summarize a file from the File Box (Word, pdf or text)
Company directory: filter by label
Possibility of obtaining an “RSVP” for meeting guests with an external link
Web application:
SSO: possibility to connect to Whaller using AgentConnect
New functionality: an organization can open a directory of entries.
RTE: integration of RTE in comments
Ads : “Ads” messages now close automatically.
Possibility for managers to enable or disable the use of restricted spheres in their organization
Managers can choose whether or not to allow visitors to join their organization.
Mobile application:
Implementation of new chat (Discussions)
Web application:
Implementation of “Discussions”: your new instant messaging service (
Organization portal:
- Creation of a new dedicated “Spheres directory” page accessible from the subheader
- Articles displayed in the subheader
- Add member directory to subheader
- Subheader customization: manager can choose which links to display
- Possibility of hiding the managers' insert and banner
- Ability to add “My Favorites”, “My Tasks” and “My Badges” links to the subheader (this feature is disabled by default).
Widget: possibility of adding a personal widget (visible only to the user)
RTE: “View source” added to the 3-point menu, allowing the message to be viewed in Markdown format.
- Change from tinyMCE to CKeditor for article editing
- Possibility of previewing a draft article
Possibility of deleting one's own account
Improved comment field.
Widget: improved calendar events modal
White label option: possibility of being redirected to a sub-organization's portal on login
OnlyOffice update integration (
Web application:
RTE: integration of RTE in the description of a file, in the writing of the biography in the profile page, etc.
Creation of a page dedicated to the directory of members of an organization or federation.
Possibility of providing information on a collection of company files, accessible in the form of a directory (paying option).
Web application:
Implementation of waiting rooms for external videoconferences on Big Blue Boutton
Creation of a new path to help you fill in your profile (when you register)
Ability to switch navigation from “my account” pages to your sidebar
Web application:
Beta Features: Creation of an account/features page listing the features available to a user.
Possibility of editing a pdf file in Whaller365
Possibility of displaying “federation public spheres” (spheres visible and accessible to all members of a federation only) on the organization map.
Addition of new consents in cookies: Pipedrive, Daily, GPT, Deepl
Implementation of a rich text editor (RTE) in the creation of new messages.
In a federation, possibility of having sub-organization spheres that are “public” for all federation members.
Mobile application:
Poll integration
Web application:
Search engine: Ability to search for users based on elements of their profile
Federation: Option to export the number of members per organisation
Analytics: data can be exported in Excel format
Mobile application:
"Event" widget added
Support for "Video" widget
Web application:
Implementation of video and audio players in comments
Evolution of the "Carousel" widget: Increase the number of images to a maximum of 6 and the possibility of opening each of them in a new tab.
Web application:
Free task creation: users other than the author of the message and administrators can now create a new task (as long as it is possible to comment).
Possibility of making a profile field mandatory
Web application:
Possibility of attaching several tasks to a message
CMS: Add the ability to add bullets in the article editor.
Forms: Improved presentation of form responses
Forms: Add the possibility of having an "Other" free field in "multiple choice" type questions.
White marks: creation of a public/contact page
Web application:
Forms: offer two types of list display: drop-down list or checkboxes
Forms: various ergonomic improvements (automatic interface refresh)
CMS thumbnails: if no banner is defined for an article, the first image of the article will appear in the thumbnail.
Ability to select a box file when creating a new sphere message
Ability to attach organization tags to profiles
Indexing of box file contents (subject to option subscription): the search engine searches inside bubreautic files (documents, pdf, spreadsheets, etc.)
Complete task creation from Kanban (assignments, message)
File box: addition of a file metadata panel, with the option of filling in a description and labels.
Web application:
Search for files and folders in file boxes using the unified search engine,
File boxes: Secure external sharing of sphere box files,
File boxes: Possibility of attaching conversations to files (visible from file preview mode and in the conversation stream of the associated sphere),
Federation management page: displays the total number of spheres in a federation,
Federation management page: Possibility of exporting the list of all sub-organization managers.
Mobile application:
Total overhaul of the mobile application (V4):
Ergonomic and graphic redesign, interactivity,
Redesigned gestures,
Access to profile editing and account information.
Web application:
Creation of an organization label management page,
Graphic redesign of the sphere management page,
Creation of an organization option: "Only managers can delete a sphere",
Add a summary view of a user's rights in the manager's area of the mini-profile,
Addition of a "thumbnail" mode to the "Useful links" widget.
Web application:
Redesign and unification of all upload components,
New widgets: Image carousel and weather forecast,
Polish language added,
Ability to call another person by videoconference,
Attach a videoconference to a conversation.
Web application:
Redesign of the CMS management page with drag-and-drop sorting,
Possibility of customizing task kanban columns,
Possibility of inviting people via cell phone number,
New CMS article option: display child articles as thumbnails at the bottom of the article,
Add editing and management rights to widgets
Possibility to define a color and an icon to a CMS article
Creation of a new federation widget area at the top of the sidebar
Addition of a "by period" and "by label" filter in the article search engine
Possibility to search an article in the unified search engine
Possibility to customize the columns of the task kanban
Mobile application:
Possibility of replying directly to a comment.
Web application:
Add a "last connection date" column from the export of the members of an organization
Application of the multilingual system to the organization and sphere charters
Redesign of the navigation of the management pages
Invite a person via SMS
Mobile application:
Profile editing
Release of Whaller DONJON : DONJON offers all public institutions and private companies concerned about protecting their sensitive data a truly sovereign and cyber-enhanced communication and collaboration platform.
Web application:
Possibility to define a "Legal Notice" page in the CMS
Allow SMS to all countries to secure your account via MFA
Ability to define labels on articles (CMS)
New "open" organisation option allowing members of a parent organisation to join a daughter organisation without validation
Web Application:
Replacement of online support on the shared web application: Intercom🇺🇸 is replaced by Crisp🇫🇷
Widgets : ability to create replicable widget templates within an organization
Widgets : ability to choose which widgets to activate or not within an organization
Possibility to duplicate a sphere with all its settings (management > spheres)
File box: creation of a folder "explorer" displayed when moving or duplicating an item
Redesign of the management of a federation: create and move sub-organizations
In beta test: Launch of a new tool to create and use Forms
Web application:
New widget: "My Recent Spheres."
Widgets : creation of a second personal widget area in the sidebar (White label only)
Widgets : be able to activate or not one or the other of the personal widget areas (White mark only)
Sidebar customization: display or not the "favorites", "organization", "tools" zones
Visio: Allow access to a guest video no matter if the event is over
News : Creation of a sphere option "Allows to create priority news".
File box : Offer to choose the location of a duplicated item
Ergonomic redesign of the task kanban
Mobile application:
Added translation tool DeepL,
Addition of the German language,
Multilingual management in reading,
Improvement of Markdown management in messages,
Display of images in full screen,
Adding the sphere information banner,
Possibility to upload files from a file box,
Addition of a means of multifactor authentication (MFA),
Possibility to block a user or a message,
Possibility to delete an account,
Improved management of internal links (box, spheres, portal, messages, calendar and home page).
Web application:
Added a "Tools" section accessible from the navigation bar, which includes the map, forms, store, resources
Customization of the navigation bar (managers can choose to hide some sections of the sidebar for their members)
Web application:
Redesign of the navigation bar
Creation of widget categories
When receiving an invitation, a modal opens to highlight it
Added support for .svg / .lst / .ttf / .otf formats on Whaller
Ability to share a file to groups of spheres
Analytics can be exported as a presentation PDF file
New ambassador program
Integration of the "Cyber Assistance Online" module
Web application:
Implementation of an avatar gallery
New notification center
Web application:
From the "Useful Links" widget, ability to customize logos set on links, using the illustration library offered by Whaller,
Added a new multi-factor authentication (MFA) feature to strengthen account security,
Ability to add multiple authentication factors,
New cybersecurity option: possibility to force the use of a multi-factor authentication method for all members and visitors of an organization,
Ability to invite external people to join a video conference,
Ability to reply to a comment,
When the status of a task is updated, a comment is automatically added to inform the collaborators,
New white label feature: a manager can block an account.
Web application:
Graphical improvement: Redesign of the "survey" message card.
Extension of rights: From a restricted sphere, the publication of files in the file box is also restricted
Avatars are now composed of the person's initials by default, if the person has not configured an avatar
New password policy reinforced by default (12 characters, one number, one uppercase character), in accordance with ANSSI recommendations
Simplification of the events: removal of the price and the payment by paypal
Display of a video player for the URLs of videos from Smartrezo
New option in the widget "image": Possibility to choose to display an image in full width or centered
Simplification of widget areas on an organization's portal
Web application:
Created a new pending invitation management page from an organization
From the role management page:
Redesigned the role management interface,
Managers of daughter organizations have the ability to assign roles,
In the framework of a federation, a new column "organization" has been added to show where the role has been created.
From the file box, it is now possible to retrieve the source URL of an image
Redesign of the message card including a task
Redesign of the page for managing pending invitations from a sphere:
Addition of a search engine,
Addition of the role carried by an invitation,
Addition of the date of first sending of an invitation.
Web application:
New "homepage article" widget on organization portals
Redesign of organization members insert
Improvement to white label management interfaces
New "platform manager" rights: delete, merge, unblock accounts
Option to mark a previously read message as "unread"
Mobile application:
Possibility to access a video conference from an event or a calendar
Web application:
New calendar widget
Creation of a logo chooser for spheres (image, icon, emoji)
New analytics indicators for invitations (number of invitations sent, number of invitations accepted, conversion rate)
Addition of a filter on the member management page: select sub-organizations and spheres linked to sub-organizations
Addition of a filter on the member management page of mother organizations: list of "blocked" members
Web application:
Redesign of the "My tasks" page
Updates to article layout (edit icons, full page)
Personalization of CMS articles (option to add a banner)
Unified search engine
Profile completion indicator
Personal "My activity" widget (available with white label)
Events displayed in the News carrousel
Web application:
Redesign of the members insert in spheres
Links to messages open in a modal (My Favorites, Kanban, file box, Widgets, etc.)
Tags in spheres listed in alphabetical order
New options available from users' personal account menus: My favorites, My tasks, My badges
New personalization for organization portals and internal articles
Option to prohibit the downloading of videos in a sphere
From an organization calendar, possibility to highlight events in the color of the style or of the sphere
Mobile application:
Possibility to create a network
Web application:
Possibility to select a personal Webex link to add to an event
Addition of an "Edit widgets" entry from sphere and organization menus
New "Sphere directory" page that lists all spheres in a federation (available with white label)
Possibility to download the list of participants from a BigBlueButton session
Possibility to select a style when creating an event
Addition of a "FAQ" layout in the CMS
New calendar
Display an event in the color of its style or its sphere
Possibility to add a sphere to favorites
Organization option: personal video conference link
Web application:
New "Event" widget: highlight a specific event
New restricted sphere option: possibility to hide the message writing field from members
New sphere option: possibility to hide the members insert
Redesign of the styling system (CSS) of interfaces (spheres and organizations) in light colors
New audio conferencing feature in spheres ("Audio spheres")
In the Kanban, when clicking on a task, the message linked to it opens in a modal
New widget center
Web application:
Possibility to add a "Lucca" widget that displays the list of the day's absentees from a Lucca account
Added an upload button from the "video" widget
Favorites: messages, files, articles
Web application:
Creation of a personal dashboard to replace an organization's homepage
Possibility to enable or disable the video conferencing feature in a sphere
Clicking on the name of a sphere in an open chat redirects to the message in the sphere
Generic root page navigation
Sphere families visible on the root page (web) and in the "My spheres" menu
Possibility to differentiate between members and visitors in a sphere
Addition of a download icon next to files in comments
Possibility to start a free 14-day trial of Whaller Pro
Possibility to duplicate a folder in a sphere box
New "Subscription" pages, possiblity to track the number of licenses available
Possibility to preview videos posted in comments
New organization option: make choosing a role mandatory with invitations
Web application:
Redesign of message ergonomics (menu, layout)
Web application:
New navigation in spheres and organizations (including administration pages)
Application of webinar options in webinar breakout rooms
Possibility to select and move multiple files at the same time in the file box
Possibility to use "News" carousels on an organization portal
Creation of a widget area that is displayed throughout an entire federation
Possibility to export stats on presence in video conferences
Addition of an "edit online" shortcut next to editable files
Web application:
New analytics
Possibility to record webinars on BigBlueButton
Possibility to disable private messages in a sphere
Possibility to add one's own general terms and conditions (white label)
New "panel" display to navigate within portals and articles
Possibility to display a menu with the choice of languages in the header (white label)
Integration of new languages (Portuguese, German, Italian, Swedish, Hungarian, Romanian)
Web application:
Redesign of header
Addition of favicons for the file box, file editing and BigBlueButton
Redesign of connection modalities on public portals
Possibility to request entry into sub-organizations (white label)
New sphere option: Disable the option for members to share classified ads
Mobile application:
Access to organization portals
Possibility to request entry into a sphere
Possibility to leave an organization
Possibility to mention groups or roles
Visualization of links in the file box
Web application:
Multilingual management of CMS articles
Possibility to accept or reject several requests to join an organization at the same time
Possibility to assign one or more roles to requests to join an organization
Two layouts now available for white label login pages ("basic" and "two columns")
Possibility to add a "request entry" button on white label ("Gate") login pages
Update of icons
New "News" widget
Modification of the width of organization management pages (1130 px)
Possibility to put the "Latest messages" widget at the top of organizatin portals
New design for "Sphere summary" and "Latest messages" widgets
Possibility to edit and co-edit all files compatible with OnlyOffice
Integration of new message styles
Web application:
Redesign of chat
Removal of the option to connect a Whaller box to OneDrive or GoogleDrive
Image gallery feature available from the Pro offer
Web application:
New integration of messages waiting to be published
Possibility to change the order of images when editing a message
Redesign of message editing (text, Markdown, files, images, priority, publication date)
Redesign of link display (New: the author can delete them one by one)
Insert a link to an article in a message via Markdown tools
Possibility to share a CMS article from within a sphere
Possibility to share a CMS article in a sphere from the article
Multilingual content: possibility to translate messages into the languages available on Whaller
Web application:
Additional Markdown options
Export an organization's list of spheres and their details
Autocompletion when adding sphere administrators
Mobile application:
Suggestions of usernames in comments
Apple SSO connection
Web application:
All users can schedule messages in spheres
Possibility to download the contents of a folder or an entire sphere box
Web application:
Display a larger version of a single emoji when left as a comment
Extend the rights attributed to "Publishers"
Possibility to use Zoom for video conferencing
Possibility to host large files (up to 3GB)
Cybersecurity option: prevent the reuse of a password when it is renewed
(Re)launch of the Full Remote offer
Suggestion platform (Feature Upvote)
Links displayed below messages are updated after a message is edited
Mobile application:
Addition of connection via Google
Web application:
Deployment of a new WYSIWYG editor for CMS articles
Possibility to associate a video conference room to an event (only if the sphere has BigBlueButton selected as its video conferencing tool)
Redesign of the "sphere settings" window
Viewing of Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents shared in messages on Whaller
Launch of Whaller 365: co-editing of documents, spreadsheets and presentations
Securing of accounts with a strong U2F authentication factor
Web application:
"My tasks": all current tasks assigned to a user appear on their root page
Cybersecurity option: organization managers can define different levels of classification for information and assign consultation rights according to these levels to members
Web application:
Improved performance of conversation feeds
Interpret an event's "location" field with a URL
Possibility to configure an Ausha widget
Web application:
Ability to view a PDF, an image or a video directly from the sphere Box (and update of file icons)
Ephemeral spheres available with the Enterprise offer (spheres that are archived on a pre-determined date)
Cybersecurity option: possibility to temporarily disable the uploading of documents in an organization
Mobile application:
Possibility to invite phone contacts to a sphere
Display of badges in profiles
Web application:
Possibility to set video conferencing in webinar mode (listen-only mode for participants, more than 100 participants)
White label: a user who logs in can be redirected to either the "root" page or the portal page
The "Reply" buttons in notification emails refer directly to the reply field of the concerned message
Translation of messages in foreign languages (with DeepL)
Creation of top-down options (within federations) in the settings of a "mother" organization, so that thay can be applied to all "daughter" organizations
Improved upload for large files (according to organisation settings)
Possibility to paste a file directly in the "new message" or "new comment" fields
Mobile application:
Integration of video conference feature
Display custom profile fields in profiles
Web application:
Possibility to disable online support via Intercom for an organization
Notifications: "new member" and "new sphere" emails sent to sphere administrators and organization managers now take into account the settings defined in the general notification frequency - invitation or entry request emails are not affected
Possibility to have a specific profile field appear next to the username in conversations. (Example: company name of members in an inter-professional network)
Replacement of the term "sphere open to visitors" by "sphere accessible to visitors"
Web application:
Automation of the "pass a member as a visitor" process by automatically removing them from members-only spheres
Deletion of quizzes feature
Addition of a "visitors" icon on spheres accessible to visitors
Improvement of the UI of registration and login forms
Modification of the rules for spheres accessible to visitors (impossible to make them global, open, etc.)
Temporary blocking for 30 minutes (instead of permanent blocking) of users who have tried to log in with the wrong password 5 times
In a federation: inheritance of offers, and a number of "top-down" options
Creation of a federation management page
Correction of the bug that turned some images 🙈
Video player update (with the possibility to detach the video in the foreground)
Agglomeration of analytics in a federation
Web application:
Add BigBlueButton (BBB) as a video conferencing option, these instances are stored on the Whaller infrastructure
BBB as a default in school organizations
Launch of FULL REMOTE offer
Mobile application:
Do not display active spheres if the user has access to only one organization
Web application:
Release of new Pro, Business and Enterprise offers
POC of connection with Atlassian (JIRA and Confluence). Those who would like to test can write to us!
POC of integration of SAP Cloud
Review of all transactional email texts
Infrastructure: all Whaller servers (data and service) migrated to OVHcloud in Roubaix (France).
Web application:
Reinforcement of security options: password policy, automatic signout after inactivity, etc.
Integration of as a choice for video conferencing
Mobile application:
Sphere and organization calendar feature available
Ability to start a private conversation directly from a user's profile
(Work on client platforms)
Web application:
Display of organizations in the same federation in an arborescent manner on the "root" page and in the "My Spheres" menu
When a temporary message is commented on, it becomes permanent
Temporary password renewal URL
Web application:
Management of cookie preferences for users (GDPR)
GDPR & Privacy by Design: By default, fields in a user's enhanced profile should be set to "Unpublished"
Make the blurring of private messages optional
Launch of the new Whaller Help Center:
Add the names of authors to articles
Web application:
Connection of the sphere box to OneDrive
The user now has the choice to delete documents they deposited in a sphere Box when they leave (GPDR)
Web application:
Restructuring of organization settings
Premium Option that allows managers to validate the creation of new spheres (Sphere creation workflow)
Web application:
Change in provider for transaction emails. From Mandrill (US) to Sendinblue (France) (GPDR)
Blurred private messages
Mobile application:
Correction of duplicate messages sent
White Label site (GATE)
Creation of the possibility to have a white label site for an organization or federation network (code name: GATE)
Personalization of the header
Personalization of the footer
Design of a white label "root" page of a site, with the side navigation bar
Ability to play shared videos automatically
Creation of a stronger confidentiality option in order to not show one's full name to the entire network
Web application:
Addition of a premium option: "Use badges"
Mobile application:
Creation of the possibility to have a white label mobile application (realized first for France Télévisions)
Web application:
Possibility to share GIFs in spheres and comments
Add a publication end date for programmed messages
Premium organization option to hide Google Drive and Microsoft Office 365 shares
Addition of Markdown shortcuts for level 2 and 3 titles
Addition of a Premium option to disable scratch-off messages
Addition of the ability to choose a native emoji from a selector 🎉
Ability to export participants to an event
Sphere creation workflow (validated by an organization manager), available for Premium
Ability to cancel an entry request from the "root" page
Web application:
Drag & drop tasks in sphere Kanban
Display the Kanban in a new tab
Remove the integration of Facebook videos in spheres to not have Facebook cookies on Whaller
Authorize the creation of public isolated spheres
Highlight the visio-sphere (under sphere members)
Mobile application:
Possibility to share videos from the app
Display ads in messages
Possibility to copy text from a message or comment
Possibility to copy a URL open in Whaller
Web application:
Ambassador program improvements (Podium, possibility to earn Illicado gift cards)
Improvement of message display performance, especially when data is outsourced to a proprietary server (see Data outsourcing offer)
GPDR: Logging all Whaller ADMIN actions
Organization Federations: When adding an organization as a "child", its members are added automatically to "parent" organizations
Establishment of an IdP server allowing the installation of a "Whaller Connect" button on third-party sites (via SSO). Realized example: configuration of a Whaller login button on a Wordpress site
Extension of shared file size limit to 1Go for organizations (Premium)
Web application:
Improvements to SSO mechanisms for organizations that use them
When a sphere exceeds 50 members, automatic welcome messages are disabled
In the organization members management section, possibility to use the action "Remove from the organization" for several people at a time
Change the font used for messages in order to display all languages on all OS
Messages and comments can be edited at any time
Web application:
Simplification of the "My account" menu
Remove "lemonades" and "bouquets of roses" from gifts
Remove the 3,000 character limit for messages
Integration of a Markdown editor in the message writing field
Mobile application:
Possibility to connect via LDAP
Display documents in messages
Access to sphere boxes (new "tools" icon in spheres)
Display tasks in messages
Display gifts in messages
Display message styles
Web application:
We wanted to improve the "serenity" or "focus" aspect of Whaller, which sometimes gave the impression to send too many notifications. Our logic: give ALL the control back to users, don't overwhelm them with information, and only send what's
Removal of transaction emails (new messages, etc.) if the user has installed the Whaller mobile app (focus)
Possibility to select time slots to receive email/mobile pushes (not during the night, weekend, etc.) (focus)
Web application:
Launch of a new chat
No longer sending emails for a like or dislike (focus)
Possibility to block sending pushes for comments in a sphere (backend option)
Change the default sending frequency for emails: no more than 2 emails per day (focus)
Simplification of the notification settings page: fusion of the "new comments" and "new messages" setting, add an insert concerning "educational" emails
Mobile application:
Improved message display performance (x2)
Events in spheres
Better offline management
Design of private messages
Possibility to connect in LDAP
Password recovery link
Possibility to download a list of participants for an event
Redesign of the "real time" system for sending pushes, and synchronized display of new messages, comments, likes
Opening to all public spheres
Possibility to block the creation of public spheres in an organization
Display public spheres on organization portals
Add Capterra and G2Crowd missions to the Ambassador program
Redesign of the mobile application in ReactNative
Public spheres: the first public spheres are opened upon request. For the time being, you can visit: l
Redesign of the chat (still a feature)
Image galleries (Premium)
Official release of zap' Whaller :
Addition of an activity table to Whaller Analytics
Beta release of new chat. Ask to test it on
Beta release of the new mobile application. Ask to test it on
Creation of an interface that lists a person's spheres for an organization (only for the manager)
Analytics: addition of a frame and an asset counter for the selected period (Premium)
Addition of emojis :bzh:, :corsica: and :euskadi:
Integration of "stripe elements" for card entry
Creation of a Premium organization option: "do not notify by email/push for anonymous messages"
Security fixes following feedback from Bug Bounty
Creation of the Whaller Sports page
"Scratch-off" messages
Ability to move a sphere from one organization to another
Create a "verified" certificate for organizations and people
Create an event from Google calendar via Zapier
Redesign of the ergonomics message types
Add a task to a message that has already been posted (Premium)
Program messages in advance (Premium)
Restricted spheres: addition of a "block comments" option (Premium+)
"Alpha" release of the new chat (not visible to all users)
Improvements to the entry path in a network from its public portal
"Enter a sphere" tutorial + customization of this tutorial
Improvement of the UI of the signup modal on organization portals
Make public portal pages responsive
Possibility to mention a group of people with the same role in a sphere using "@@nameofrole" (Premium)
Creation of a CSS field allowing the graphic modification of organization interfaces (Premium)
Points earned in "incentive" organizations are displayed in the navigation sidebar (Premium)
Customization of the entry route in an organization: personalization of the redirect page after registration
Add percentages to csv survey extracts
Possibility to merge two user accounts
Creation of the Associations landing page with Halo Asso:
Zapier application accessible on
Can archive spheres in an organization (Premium)
Restriction of the organization standard offer: self-accepting emails, badges personalization of emails, charters
Creation of the Universities landing page:
Respond to a comment in private (triggers an alert)
Can upload videos in a custom profile field
Display a LinkedIn profile in a Whaller profile
Creation of a "no role" filter in the members management section (Premium)
Compatibility with native emojis!
Export analytics in an Excel file
Connection of a "wedoogift" boutique to Whaller for one of our clients (will be generalizable) (Premium)
Synchronization and generic authentication in LDAP (Premium)
Addition of an option to hide the "website" link on an organization portal
Increase the sphere description to 500 characters
Addition of Dutch in the languages 🇳🇱
Addition of a premium option to remove the notion of price in events + PayPal
Allow the upload of InDesign files
Possibility to create a hierarchy between several organizations (Premium+) : with link between profiles, role, etc. (Premium)
Create events from calendars (Premium)
Block a person
Creation of assignable rights according to roles (Premium): right to create a sphere, right to accept new members in the organization
"Serendipity" widget (suggestions of people in an organization): specific to a single network at the moment. A generic version may be planned someday depending on requests (Premium)
Implementation of the "Analytics" page in spheres, for sphere administrators (Premium)
Creation of a new type of customizable profile field: free lists with suggestions (Premium)
Removal of "product" icons (prices, premium,...) from organization portal pages (Premium)
Sphere administrators can now create and edit widgets linked to their sphere (This was reserved exclusively for organization managers before) (Premium)
Strengthen the invitation "quota" security policy
Can personalize the list of types of events (Premium)
Possibility to block "I dislike" (Premium)
Possibility to define a list of "blacklisted" words that automatically report messages to administrators and managers (Premium)
Mobile application: can connect with Microsoft Office 365
Showing roles in the form of medallions on avatars (Premium)
Creation of the Premium + "Maps" page /product/premium-plus/map
Generalization of the use of "Glowbl visio-spheres"
Strengthening of the password security policy
Possibility to sign up/ connect with LinkedIn
Possibility to share a message in several spheres at the same time (Premium)
Addition of invitation quotas
Improvement of the navigation in the right hand column of spheres: always visible, always scrollable
"Forum" spheres for Premium+ (organization spheres in which you van validate or refuse the responses to a message)
Ability to search all of a person's profile fields, including specific fields in an organization Premium
Addition of a "role" filter in member directories Premium
Message legacy (possibility to leave the messages you've written when you leave a sphere) Premium
Can disable automatic messages for new documents in a sphere box Premium
Possibility to structure organizations among themselves by defining "sub-organizations" to an organization; legacy profiles: avatars, bio, roles and specific fields (Premium)
SSO SAML (Premium+ option)
Public page /contact
Member management: can filter non-activated members
Can disable the Kanban in spheres
External hosting of message content and attached files
"Whaller Ambassador" program:
Addition of a navigation sidebar for isolated spheres
Addition of attachment to automatic message in the sphere's box
Mini profile: when clicking on the photo, it is displayed in full resolution
Publication of Whaller's 3 core values on the homepage
Publication of Whaller's Manifesto on the homepage
Automatic online payment (integration of the last elements)
Integration of Google Drive in the sphere Box: possibility to manage a Google Drive folder directly from a Whaller sphere (beta)
Deletion of the old mobile version and passage of spheres and root page in full responsive
Integration of Glowbl as a replacement for visio-spheres
Member management: Display the list of spheres for each person
Ability to disable welcome messages in a sphere
Public page /integrations
Public page /mobile
SEO improvements
Creation of a "Start a trial" workflow
Create a task directly from a Kanban in a sphere
Ability to share a GoToMeeting in a message (in an event)
Automatic publication of a welcome message when a new member joins a sphere
Redesign of the "sphere summary" widget
Permanent deletion of old personal spheres
Redesign of badge management
New network creation path
New Premium+ offer "data hosted on the third party server"
Tasks: fusion with ideations, possibility to assign a task to several people
Integration of Office 365: registration and authentication with an Office 365 account, possibility to share OneDrive files
Integration of Google Suite: registration and authentication with a Google account, possibility to share Google Drive files
New discussion thread UX
Ability to create temporary, self-destructing messages ("burning messages")
Notifications when a document is added in the Box
PDF document viewer in the spheres
Mobile application: new network creation path
Mobile application: display of entry requests
Annual debug campaign. More than 150 bugs found and corrected.
Statistics tool: "Whaller Analytics"
Possibility to activate "Premium" for a single sphere
Card editor (points, quiz, info...)
Interfacing Plussh & Whaller
Twitter widget
Entry course: (Join/ Create a network)
Creation of a sponsorship/ referrals page
Depreciation Internet Explorer < 10
New entry course: "What would you like to do?" and "Join a network"
Redesign of the sphere management page: all settings accessible from this page
Performance of web interfaces
Creation of the page
Switch to PHP7
Update of ElasticSearch search engine
Suggestions of organizations
Creation of the "connected apps" account page
Ability to remove or add several sphere members at a time
Enrichment of events: types (carpool,...), spots available, price, PayPal.Me
Redesign of directory ergonomics and people search
Synchronization of tabs
Improvement of real time, possibility to interact with a message while it's being updated (likes, etc.)
Creation of the "publisher" right
Integration of IFTTT
Multiple surveys
Redesign of the notification management page
Pin a message
Side navigation bar
February 2025
Web application:
Analytics: add statistics on the number of clicks and downloads per file in the file boxes.
Activity logs: track changes to files and folders in file boxes
Ability to search for files by tags
Mobile application:
Possibility of accessing sphere widgets from the application
Translated with (free version)
January 2025
Web application:
IAssistant: ability to generate images when creating a message (available only with OpenAi).
Event: Integration of recurrence in the calendar
File box: possibility of allowing ‘publishers’ to upload a file even if they are neither owners nor admins.
Mobile application:
Possibility of setting a message and/or comment to ‘unread’.
December 2024
Web application:
Whaller ARENA (new offer): The bespoke social network for large organisations that includes:
- Public spheres and conversations
- Private discussions
- Member and company directory
- Personalised suggestions
- Geolocation map
- Improved map design
- Appearance of ‘guests’ (people who have booked a place at an event without having a Whaller account) in the list of participants
- Possibility of creating events without generating a notification in the feed
Sphere type DR ( Restricted Diffusion): when the option is activated (at organisation level), it is possible to create or change the type of sphere.
Improvements to Discussions :
- Performance
November 2024
Web application:
encrypted spheres: ability to create end-to-end encrypted spheres
Search engine (sphere): ability to filter by message author
Discussions: ability to leave a discussion
Mobile application:
Discussions: ability to leave a discussion
Ability to leave a sphere
Notifications: you can change the settings
October 2024
Web application:
Sphere option:
- Improved display of “Survey” card responses
- Enhanced “Task” card
- Possibility of deactivating task status update notifications
CMS: ability to open a link in a new tab
Matching: Whaller can be configured as a “Wide Social Network” with :
- People Matching ( People suggestions based on criteria defined by managers ),
- Company and profiles matching,
- Company filtering by geolocation.
Enhanced File Box:
- Upload a new version of a file directly from the web interface.
Recorded videoconferences:
- Publication of the replay file in the sphere
- Publication of full transcript in the sphere (if Whaller (IA)ssistant is enabled)
Mobile application:
Unified search engine
Autonomous account deletion (users can delete their own accounts)
Graphic redesign of home page
September 2024
Web application:
Whaller (IA)ssistant : ability to summarize a file from the File Box (Word, pdf or text)
Company directory: filter by label
Possibility of obtaining an “RSVP” for meeting guests with an external link
Jully 2024
Web application:
SSO: possibility to connect to Whaller using AgentConnect
New functionality: an organization can open a directory of entries.
RTE: integration of RTE in comments
Ads : “Ads” messages now close automatically.
Possibility for managers to enable or disable the use of restricted spheres in their organization
Managers can choose whether or not to allow visitors to join their organization.
Mobile application:
Implementation of new chat (Discussions)
June 2024
Web application:
Implementation of “Discussions”: your new instant messaging service (
Organization portal:
- Creation of a new dedicated “Spheres directory” page accessible from the subheader
- Articles displayed in the subheader
- Add member directory to subheader
- Subheader customization: manager can choose which links to display
- Possibility of hiding the managers' insert and banner
- Ability to add “My Favorites”, “My Tasks” and “My Badges” links to the subheader (this feature is disabled by default).
Widget: possibility of adding a personal widget (visible only to the user)
RTE: “View source” added to the 3-point menu, allowing the message to be viewed in Markdown format.
- Change from tinyMCE to CKeditor for article editing
- Possibility of previewing a draft article
Possibility of deleting one's own account
Improved comment field.
Widget: improved calendar events modal
White label option: possibility of being redirected to a sub-organization's portal on login
OnlyOffice update integration (
May 2024
Web application:
RTE: integration of RTE in the description of a file, in the writing of the biography in the profile page, etc.
Creation of a page dedicated to the directory of members of an organization or federation.
Possibility of providing information on a collection of company files, accessible in the form of a directory (paying option).
April 2024
Web application:
Implementation of waiting rooms for external videoconferences on Big Blue Boutton
Creation of a new path to help you fill in your profile (when you register)
Ability to switch navigation from “my account” pages to your sidebar
March 2024
Web application:
Beta Features: Creation of an account/features page listing the features available to a user.
Possibility of editing a pdf file in Whaller365
Possibility of displaying “federation public spheres” (spheres visible and accessible to all members of a federation only) on the organization map.
Addition of new consents in cookies: Pipedrive, Daily, GPT, Deepl
Implementation of a rich text editor (RTE) in the creation of new messages.
In a federation, possibility of having sub-organization spheres that are “public” for all federation members.
Mobile application:
Poll integration
February 2024
Web application:
Search engine: Ability to search for users based on elements of their profile
Federation: Option to export the number of members per organisation
Analytics: data can be exported in Excel format
Mobile application:
"Event" widget added
Support for "Video" widget
January 2024
Web application:
Implementation of video and audio players in comments
Evolution of the "Carousel" widget: Increase the number of images to a maximum of 6 and the possibility of opening each of them in a new tab.
December 2023
Web application:
Free task creation: users other than the author of the message and administrators can now create a new task (as long as it is possible to comment).
Possibility of making a profile field mandatory
November 2023
Web application:
Possibility of attaching several tasks to a message
CMS: Add the ability to add bullets in the article editor.
Forms: Improved presentation of form responses
Forms: Add the possibility of having an "Other" free field in "multiple choice" type questions.
White marks: creation of a public/contact page
October 2023
Web application:
Forms: offer two types of list display: drop-down list or checkboxes
Forms: various ergonomic improvements (automatic interface refresh)
CMS thumbnails: if no banner is defined for an article, the first image of the article will appear in the thumbnail.
Ability to select a box file when creating a new sphere message
Ability to attach organization tags to profiles
Indexing of box file contents (subject to option subscription): the search engine searches inside bubreautic files (documents, pdf, spreadsheets, etc.)
Complete task creation from Kanban (assignments, message)
File box: addition of a file metadata panel, with the option of filling in a description and labels.
September 2023
Web application:
Search for files and folders in file boxes using the unified search engine,
File boxes: Secure external sharing of sphere box files,
File boxes: Possibility of attaching conversations to files (visible from file preview mode and in the conversation stream of the associated sphere),
Federation management page: displays the total number of spheres in a federation,
Federation management page: Possibility of exporting the list of all sub-organization managers.
Mobile application:
Total overhaul of the mobile application (V4):
Ergonomic and graphic redesign, interactivity,
Redesigned gestures,
Access to profile editing and account information.
July 2023
Web application:
Creation of an organization label management page,
Graphic redesign of the sphere management page,
Creation of an organization option: "Only managers can delete a sphere",
Add a summary view of a user's rights in the manager's area of the mini-profile,
Addition of a "thumbnail" mode to the "Useful links" widget.
June 2023
Web application:
Redesign and unification of all upload components,
New widgets: Image carousel and weather forecast,
Polish language added,
Ability to call another person by videoconference,
Attach a videoconference to a conversation.
May 2023
Web application:
Redesign of the CMS management page with drag-and-drop sorting,
Possibility of customizing task kanban columns,
Possibility of inviting people via cell phone number,
New CMS article option: display child articles as thumbnails at the bottom of the article,
Add editing and management rights to widgets
Possibility to define a color and an icon to a CMS article
Creation of a new federation widget area at the top of the sidebar
Addition of a "by period" and "by label" filter in the article search engine
Possibility to search an article in the unified search engine
Possibility to customize the columns of the task kanban
Mobile application:
Possibility of replying directly to a comment.
April 2023
Web application:
Add a "last connection date" column from the export of the members of an organization
Application of the multilingual system to the organization and sphere charters
Redesign of the navigation of the management pages
Invite a person via SMS
Mobile application:
Profile editing
February 2023
Release of Whaller DONJON : DONJON offers all public institutions and private companies concerned about protecting their sensitive data a truly sovereign and cyber-enhanced communication and collaboration platform.
Web application:
Possibility to define a "Legal Notice" page in the CMS
Allow SMS to all countries to secure your account via MFA
Ability to define labels on articles (CMS)
New "open" organisation option allowing members of a parent organisation to join a daughter organisation without validation
January 2023
Web Application:
Replacement of online support on the shared web application: Intercom🇺🇸 is replaced by Crisp🇫🇷
Widgets : ability to create replicable widget templates within an organization
Widgets : ability to choose which widgets to activate or not within an organization
Possibility to duplicate a sphere with all its settings (management > spheres)
File box: creation of a folder "explorer" displayed when moving or duplicating an item
Redesign of the management of a federation: create and move sub-organizations
In beta test: Launch of a new tool to create and use Forms
December 2022
Web application:
New widget: "My Recent Spheres."
Widgets : creation of a second personal widget area in the sidebar (White label only)
Widgets : be able to activate or not one or the other of the personal widget areas (White mark only)
Sidebar customization: display or not the "favorites", "organization", "tools" zones
Visio: Allow access to a guest video no matter if the event is over
News : Creation of a sphere option "Allows to create priority news".
File box : Offer to choose the location of a duplicated item
Ergonomic redesign of the task kanban
Mobile application:
Added translation tool DeepL,
Addition of the German language,
Multilingual management in reading,
Improvement of Markdown management in messages,
Display of images in full screen,
Adding the sphere information banner,
Possibility to upload files from a file box,
Addition of a means of multifactor authentication (MFA),
Possibility to block a user or a message,
Possibility to delete an account,
Improved management of internal links (box, spheres, portal, messages, calendar and home page).
November 2022
Web application:
Added a "Tools" section accessible from the navigation bar, which includes the map, forms, store, resources
Customization of the navigation bar (managers can choose to hide some sections of the sidebar for their members)
October 2022
Web application:
Redesign of the navigation bar
Creation of widget categories
When receiving an invitation, a modal opens to highlight it
Added support for .svg / .lst / .ttf / .otf formats on Whaller
Ability to share a file to groups of spheres
Analytics can be exported as a presentation PDF file
New ambassador program
Integration of the "Cyber Assistance Online" module
September 2022
Web application:
Implementation of an avatar gallery
New notification center
July 2022
Web application:
From the "Useful Links" widget, ability to customize logos set on links, using the illustration library offered by Whaller,
Added a new multi-factor authentication (MFA) feature to strengthen account security,
Ability to add multiple authentication factors,
New cybersecurity option: possibility to force the use of a multi-factor authentication method for all members and visitors of an organization,
Ability to invite external people to join a video conference,
Ability to reply to a comment,
When the status of a task is updated, a comment is automatically added to inform the collaborators,
New white label feature: a manager can block an account.
June 2022
Web application:
Graphical improvement: Redesign of the "survey" message card.
Extension of rights: From a restricted sphere, the publication of files in the file box is also restricted
Avatars are now composed of the person's initials by default, if the person has not configured an avatar
New password policy reinforced by default (12 characters, one number, one uppercase character), in accordance with ANSSI recommendations
Simplification of the events: removal of the price and the payment by paypal
Display of a video player for the URLs of videos from Smartrezo
New option in the widget "image": Possibility to choose to display an image in full width or centered
Simplification of widget areas on an organization's portal
May 2022
Web application:
Created a new pending invitation management page from an organization
From the role management page:
Redesigned the role management interface,
Managers of daughter organizations have the ability to assign roles,
In the framework of a federation, a new column "organization" has been added to show where the role has been created.
From the file box, it is now possible to retrieve the source URL of an image
Redesign of the message card including a task
Redesign of the page for managing pending invitations from a sphere:
Addition of a search engine,
Addition of the role carried by an invitation,
Addition of the date of first sending of an invitation.
April 2022
Web application:
New "homepage article" widget on organization portals
Redesign of organization members insert
Improvement to white label management interfaces
New "platform manager" rights: delete, merge, unblock accounts
Option to mark a previously read message as "unread"
Mobile application:
Possibility to access a video conference from an event or a calendar
March 2022
Web application:
New calendar widget
Creation of a logo chooser for spheres (image, icon, emoji)
New analytics indicators for invitations (number of invitations sent, number of invitations accepted, conversion rate)
Addition of a filter on the member management page: select sub-organizations and spheres linked to sub-organizations
Addition of a filter on the member management page of mother organizations: list of "blocked" members
February 2022
Web application:
Redesign of the "My tasks" page
Updates to article layout (edit icons, full page)
Personalization of CMS articles (option to add a banner)
Unified search engine
Profile completion indicator
Personal "My activity" widget (available with white label)
Events displayed in the News carrousel
January 2022
Web application:
Redesign of the members insert in spheres
Links to messages open in a modal (My Favorites, Kanban, file box, Widgets, etc.)
Tags in spheres listed in alphabetical order
New options available from users' personal account menus: My favorites, My tasks, My badges
New personalization for organization portals and internal articles
Option to prohibit the downloading of videos in a sphere
From an organization calendar, possibility to highlight events in the color of the style or of the sphere
Mobile application:
Possibility to create a network
December 2021
Web application:
Possibility to select a personal Webex link to add to an event
Addition of an "Edit widgets" entry from sphere and organization menus
New "Sphere directory" page that lists all spheres in a federation (available with white label)
Possibility to download the list of participants from a BigBlueButton session
Possibility to select a style when creating an event
Addition of a "FAQ" layout in the CMS
New calendar
Display an event in the color of its style or its sphere
Possibility to add a sphere to favorites
Organization option: personal video conference link
November 2021
Web application:
New "Event" widget: highlight a specific event
New restricted sphere option: possibility to hide the message writing field from members
New sphere option: possibility to hide the members insert
Redesign of the styling system (CSS) of interfaces (spheres and organizations) in light colors
New audio conferencing feature in spheres ("Audio spheres")
In the Kanban, when clicking on a task, the message linked to it opens in a modal
New widget center
October 2021
Web application:
Possibility to add a "Lucca" widget that displays the list of the day's absentees from a Lucca account
Added an upload button from the "video" widget
Favorites: messages, files, articles
September 2021
Web application:
Creation of a personal dashboard to replace an organization's homepage
Possibility to enable or disable the video conferencing feature in a sphere
Clicking on the name of a sphere in an open chat redirects to the message in the sphere
Generic root page navigation
Sphere families visible on the root page (web) and in the "My spheres" menu
Possibility to differentiate between members and visitors in a sphere
Addition of a download icon next to files in comments
Possibility to start a free 14-day trial of Whaller Pro
Possibility to duplicate a folder in a sphere box
New "Subscription" pages, possiblity to track the number of licenses available
Possibility to preview videos posted in comments
New organization option: make choosing a role mandatory with invitations
August 2021
Web application:
Redesign of message ergonomics (menu, layout)
July 2021
Web application:
New navigation in spheres and organizations (including administration pages)
Application of webinar options in webinar breakout rooms
Possibility to select and move multiple files at the same time in the file box
Possibility to use "News" carousels on an organization portal
Creation of a widget area that is displayed throughout an entire federation
Possibility to export stats on presence in video conferences
Addition of an "edit online" shortcut next to editable files
June 2021
Web application:
New analytics
Possibility to record webinars on BigBlueButton
Possibility to disable private messages in a sphere
Possibility to add one's own general terms and conditions (white label)
New "panel" display to navigate within portals and articles
Possibility to display a menu with the choice of languages in the header (white label)
Integration of new languages (Portuguese, German, Italian, Swedish, Hungarian, Romanian)
May 2021
Web application:
Redesign of header
Addition of favicons for the file box, file editing and BigBlueButton
Redesign of connection modalities on public portals
Possibility to request entry into sub-organizations (white label)
New sphere option: Disable the option for members to share classified ads
Mobile application:
Access to organization portals
Possibility to request entry into a sphere
Possibility to leave an organization
Possibility to mention groups or roles
Visualization of links in the file box
April 2021
Web application:
Multilingual management of CMS articles
Possibility to accept or reject several requests to join an organization at the same time
Possibility to assign one or more roles to requests to join an organization
Two layouts now available for white label login pages ("basic" and "two columns")
Possibility to add a "request entry" button on white label ("Gate") login pages
Update of icons
New "News" widget
Modification of the width of organization management pages (1130 px)
Possibility to put the "Latest messages" widget at the top of organizatin portals
New design for "Sphere summary" and "Latest messages" widgets
Possibility to edit and co-edit all files compatible with OnlyOffice
Integration of new message styles
March 2021
Web application:
Redesign of chat
Removal of the option to connect a Whaller box to OneDrive or GoogleDrive
Image gallery feature available from the Pro offer
February 2021
Web application:
New integration of messages waiting to be published
Possibility to change the order of images when editing a message
Redesign of message editing (text, Markdown, files, images, priority, publication date)
Redesign of link display (New: the author can delete them one by one)
Insert a link to an article in a message via Markdown tools
Possibility to share a CMS article from within a sphere
Possibility to share a CMS article in a sphere from the article
Multilingual content: possibility to translate messages into the languages available on Whaller
January 2021
Web application:
Additional Markdown options
Export an organization's list of spheres and their details
Autocompletion when adding sphere administrators
Mobile application:
Suggestions of usernames in comments
Apple SSO connection
December 2020
Web application:
All users can schedule messages in spheres
Possibility to download the contents of a folder or an entire sphere box
November 2020
Web application:
Display a larger version of a single emoji when left as a comment
Extend the rights attributed to "Publishers"
Possibility to use Zoom for video conferencing
Possibility to host large files (up to 3GB)
Cybersecurity option: prevent the reuse of a password when it is renewed
(Re)launch of the Full Remote offer
Suggestion platform (Feature Upvote)
Links displayed below messages are updated after a message is edited
Mobile application:
Addition of connection via Google
October 2020
Web application:
Deployment of a new WYSIWYG editor for CMS articles
Possibility to associate a video conference room to an event (only if the sphere has BigBlueButton selected as its video conferencing tool)
Redesign of the "sphere settings" window
Viewing of Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents shared in messages on Whaller
Launch of Whaller 365: co-editing of documents, spreadsheets and presentations
Securing of accounts with a strong U2F authentication factor
September 2020
Web application:
"My tasks": all current tasks assigned to a user appear on their root page
Cybersecurity option: organization managers can define different levels of classification for information and assign consultation rights according to these levels to members
August 2020
Web application:
Improved performance of conversation feeds
Interpret an event's "location" field with a URL
Possibility to configure an Ausha widget
July 2020
Web application:
Ability to view a PDF, an image or a video directly from the sphere Box (and update of file icons)
Ephemeral spheres available with the Enterprise offer (spheres that are archived on a pre-determined date)
Cybersecurity option: possibility to temporarily disable the uploading of documents in an organization
Mobile application:
Possibility to invite phone contacts to a sphere
Display of badges in profiles
June 2020
Web application:
Possibility to set video conferencing in webinar mode (listen-only mode for participants, more than 100 participants)
White label: a user who logs in can be redirected to either the "root" page or the portal page
The "Reply" buttons in notification emails refer directly to the reply field of the concerned message
Translation of messages in foreign languages (with DeepL)
Creation of top-down options (within federations) in the settings of a "mother" organization, so that thay can be applied to all "daughter" organizations
Improved upload for large files (according to organisation settings)
Possibility to paste a file directly in the "new message" or "new comment" fields
Mobile application:
Integration of video conference feature
Display custom profile fields in profiles
May 2020
Web application:
Possibility to disable online support via Intercom for an organization
Notifications: "new member" and "new sphere" emails sent to sphere administrators and organization managers now take into account the settings defined in the general notification frequency - invitation or entry request emails are not affected
Possibility to have a specific profile field appear next to the username in conversations. (Example: company name of members in an inter-professional network)
Replacement of the term "sphere open to visitors" by "sphere accessible to visitors"
April 2020
Web application:
Automation of the "pass a member as a visitor" process by automatically removing them from members-only spheres
Deletion of quizzes feature
Addition of a "visitors" icon on spheres accessible to visitors
Improvement of the UI of registration and login forms
Modification of the rules for spheres accessible to visitors (impossible to make them global, open, etc.)
Temporary blocking for 30 minutes (instead of permanent blocking) of users who have tried to log in with the wrong password 5 times
In a federation: inheritance of offers, and a number of "top-down" options
Creation of a federation management page
Correction of the bug that turned some images 🙈
Video player update (with the possibility to detach the video in the foreground)
Agglomeration of analytics in a federation
March 2020
Web application:
Add BigBlueButton (BBB) as a video conferencing option, these instances are stored on the Whaller infrastructure
BBB as a default in school organizations
Launch of FULL REMOTE offer
Mobile application:
Do not display active spheres if the user has access to only one organization
February 2020
Web application:
Release of new Pro, Business and Enterprise offers
POC of connection with Atlassian (JIRA and Confluence). Those who would like to test can write to us!
POC of integration of SAP Cloud
Review of all transactional email texts
January 2020
Infrastructure: all Whaller servers (data and service) migrated to OVHcloud in Roubaix (France).
Web application:
Reinforcement of security options: password policy, automatic signout after inactivity, etc.
Integration of as a choice for video conferencing
Mobile application:
Sphere and organization calendar feature available
Ability to start a private conversation directly from a user's profile
December 2019
(Work on client platforms)
November 2019
Web application:
Display of organizations in the same federation in an arborescent manner on the "root" page and in the "My Spheres" menu
When a temporary message is commented on, it becomes permanent
Temporary password renewal URL
October 2019
Web application:
Management of cookie preferences for users (GDPR)
GDPR & Privacy by Design: By default, fields in a user's enhanced profile should be set to "Unpublished"
Make the blurring of private messages optional
Launch of the new Whaller Help Center:
Add the names of authors to articles
September 2019
Web application:
Connection of the sphere box to OneDrive
The user now has the choice to delete documents they deposited in a sphere Box when they leave (GPDR)
August 2019
Web application:
Restructuring of organization settings
Premium Option that allows managers to validate the creation of new spheres (Sphere creation workflow)
July 2019
Web application:
Change in provider for transaction emails. From Mandrill (US) to Sendinblue (France) (GPDR)
Blurred private messages
Mobile application:
Correction of duplicate messages sent
June 2019
White Label site (GATE)
Creation of the possibility to have a white label site for an organization or federation network (code name: GATE)
Personalization of the header
Personalization of the footer
Design of a white label "root" page of a site, with the side navigation bar
Ability to play shared videos automatically
Creation of a stronger confidentiality option in order to not show one's full name to the entire network
Web application:
Addition of a premium option: "Use badges"
Mobile application:
Creation of the possibility to have a white label mobile application (realized first for France Télévisions)
May 2019
Web application:
Possibility to share GIFs in spheres and comments
Add a publication end date for programmed messages
Premium organization option to hide Google Drive and Microsoft Office 365 shares
Addition of Markdown shortcuts for level 2 and 3 titles
Addition of a Premium option to disable scratch-off messages
Addition of the ability to choose a native emoji from a selector 🎉
Ability to export participants to an event
Sphere creation workflow (validated by an organization manager), available for Premium
Ability to cancel an entry request from the "root" page
April 2019
Web application:
Drag & drop tasks in sphere Kanban
Display the Kanban in a new tab
Remove the integration of Facebook videos in spheres to not have Facebook cookies on Whaller
Authorize the creation of public isolated spheres
Highlight the visio-sphere (under sphere members)
Mobile application:
Possibility to share videos from the app
Display ads in messages
Possibility to copy text from a message or comment
Possibility to copy a URL open in Whaller
March 2019
Web application:
Ambassador program improvements (Podium, possibility to earn Illicado gift cards)
Improvement of message display performance, especially when data is outsourced to a proprietary server (see Data outsourcing offer)
GPDR: Logging all Whaller ADMIN actions
Organization Federations: When adding an organization as a "child", its members are added automatically to "parent" organizations
Establishment of an IdP server allowing the installation of a "Whaller Connect" button on third-party sites (via SSO). Realized example: configuration of a Whaller login button on a Wordpress site
Extension of shared file size limit to 1Go for organizations (Premium)
February 2019
Web application:
Improvements to SSO mechanisms for organizations that use them
When a sphere exceeds 50 members, automatic welcome messages are disabled
In the organization members management section, possibility to use the action "Remove from the organization" for several people at a time
Change the font used for messages in order to display all languages on all OS
Messages and comments can be edited at any time
January 2019
Web application:
Simplification of the "My account" menu
Remove "lemonades" and "bouquets of roses" from gifts
Remove the 3,000 character limit for messages
Integration of a Markdown editor in the message writing field
Mobile application:
Possibility to connect via LDAP
Display documents in messages
Access to sphere boxes (new "tools" icon in spheres)
Display tasks in messages
Display gifts in messages
Display message styles
December 2018
Web application:
We wanted to improve the "serenity" or "focus" aspect of Whaller, which sometimes gave the impression to send too many notifications. Our logic: give ALL the control back to users, don't overwhelm them with information, and only send what's
Removal of transaction emails (new messages, etc.) if the user has installed the Whaller mobile app (focus)
Possibility to select time slots to receive email/mobile pushes (not during the night, weekend, etc.) (focus)
November 2018
Web application:
Launch of a new chat
No longer sending emails for a like or dislike (focus)
Possibility to block sending pushes for comments in a sphere (backend option)
Change the default sending frequency for emails: no more than 2 emails per day (focus)
Simplification of the notification settings page: fusion of the "new comments" and "new messages" setting, add an insert concerning "educational" emails
Mobile application:
Improved message display performance (x2)
Events in spheres
Better offline management
Design of private messages
Possibility to connect in LDAP
Password recovery link
October 2018
Possibility to download a list of participants for an event
Redesign of the "real time" system for sending pushes, and synchronized display of new messages, comments, likes
Opening to all public spheres
Possibility to block the creation of public spheres in an organization
Display public spheres on organization portals
Add Capterra and G2Crowd missions to the Ambassador program
August / September 2018
Redesign of the mobile application in ReactNative
Public spheres: the first public spheres are opened upon request. For the time being, you can visit: l
Redesign of the chat (still a feature)
Image galleries (Premium)
Official release of zap' Whaller :
Addition of an activity table to Whaller Analytics
July 2018
Beta release of new chat. Ask to test it on
Beta release of the new mobile application. Ask to test it on
Creation of an interface that lists a person's spheres for an organization (only for the manager)
Analytics: addition of a frame and an asset counter for the selected period (Premium)
Addition of emojis :bzh:, :corsica: and :euskadi:
Integration of "stripe elements" for card entry
June 2018
Creation of a Premium organization option: "do not notify by email/push for anonymous messages"
Security fixes following feedback from Bug Bounty
Creation of the Whaller Sports page
"Scratch-off" messages
Ability to move a sphere from one organization to another
Create a "verified" certificate for organizations and people
May 2018
Create an event from Google calendar via Zapier
Redesign of the ergonomics message types
Add a task to a message that has already been posted (Premium)
Program messages in advance (Premium)
Restricted spheres: addition of a "block comments" option (Premium+)
April 2018
"Alpha" release of the new chat (not visible to all users)
March 2018
Improvements to the entry path in a network from its public portal
"Enter a sphere" tutorial + customization of this tutorial
Improvement of the UI of the signup modal on organization portals
Make public portal pages responsive
February 2018
Possibility to mention a group of people with the same role in a sphere using "@@nameofrole" (Premium)
Creation of a CSS field allowing the graphic modification of organization interfaces (Premium)
Points earned in "incentive" organizations are displayed in the navigation sidebar (Premium)
Customization of the entry route in an organization: personalization of the redirect page after registration
January 2018
Add percentages to csv survey extracts
Possibility to merge two user accounts
Creation of the Associations landing page with Halo Asso:
December 2017
Zapier application accessible on
Can archive spheres in an organization (Premium)
Restriction of the organization standard offer: self-accepting emails, badges personalization of emails, charters
Creation of the Universities landing page:
November 2017
Respond to a comment in private (triggers an alert)
Can upload videos in a custom profile field
Display a LinkedIn profile in a Whaller profile
Creation of a "no role" filter in the members management section (Premium)
Compatibility with native emojis!
Export analytics in an Excel file
October 2017
Connection of a "wedoogift" boutique to Whaller for one of our clients (will be generalizable) (Premium)
Synchronization and generic authentication in LDAP (Premium)
Addition of an option to hide the "website" link on an organization portal
Increase the sphere description to 500 characters
Addition of Dutch in the languages 🇳🇱
Addition of a premium option to remove the notion of price in events + PayPal
Allow the upload of InDesign files
September 2017
Possibility to create a hierarchy between several organizations (Premium+) : with link between profiles, role, etc. (Premium)
Create events from calendars (Premium)
Block a person
Creation of assignable rights according to roles (Premium): right to create a sphere, right to accept new members in the organization
"Serendipity" widget (suggestions of people in an organization): specific to a single network at the moment. A generic version may be planned someday depending on requests (Premium)
Implementation of the "Analytics" page in spheres, for sphere administrators (Premium)
Creation of a new type of customizable profile field: free lists with suggestions (Premium)
Removal of "product" icons (prices, premium,...) from organization portal pages (Premium)
Sphere administrators can now create and edit widgets linked to their sphere (This was reserved exclusively for organization managers before) (Premium)
Strengthen the invitation "quota" security policy
August 2017
Can personalize the list of types of events (Premium)
Possibility to block "I dislike" (Premium)
Possibility to define a list of "blacklisted" words that automatically report messages to administrators and managers (Premium)
Mobile application: can connect with Microsoft Office 365
Showing roles in the form of medallions on avatars (Premium)
Creation of the Premium + "Maps" page /product/premium-plus/map
Generalization of the use of "Glowbl visio-spheres"
Strengthening of the password security policy
July 2017
Possibility to sign up/ connect with LinkedIn
Possibility to share a message in several spheres at the same time (Premium)
Addition of invitation quotas
Improvement of the navigation in the right hand column of spheres: always visible, always scrollable
"Forum" spheres for Premium+ (organization spheres in which you van validate or refuse the responses to a message)
Ability to search all of a person's profile fields, including specific fields in an organization Premium
Addition of a "role" filter in member directories Premium
Message legacy (possibility to leave the messages you've written when you leave a sphere) Premium
Can disable automatic messages for new documents in a sphere box Premium
Possibility to structure organizations among themselves by defining "sub-organizations" to an organization; legacy profiles: avatars, bio, roles and specific fields (Premium)
June 2017
SSO SAML (Premium+ option)
Public page /contact
Member management: can filter non-activated members
Can disable the Kanban in spheres
External hosting of message content and attached files
"Whaller Ambassador" program:
Addition of a navigation sidebar for isolated spheres
Addition of attachment to automatic message in the sphere's box
Mini profile: when clicking on the photo, it is displayed in full resolution
Publication of Whaller's 3 core values on the homepage
Publication of Whaller's Manifesto on the homepage
May 2017
Automatic online payment (integration of the last elements)
Integration of Google Drive in the sphere Box: possibility to manage a Google Drive folder directly from a Whaller sphere (beta)
Deletion of the old mobile version and passage of spheres and root page in full responsive
Integration of Glowbl as a replacement for visio-spheres
Member management: Display the list of spheres for each person
Ability to disable welcome messages in a sphere
Public page /integrations
Public page /mobile
SEO improvements
Creation of a "Start a trial" workflow
April 2017
Create a task directly from a Kanban in a sphere
Ability to share a GoToMeeting in a message (in an event)
Automatic publication of a welcome message when a new member joins a sphere
Redesign of the "sphere summary" widget
Permanent deletion of old personal spheres
Redesign of badge management
March 2017
New network creation path
New Premium+ offer "data hosted on the third party server"
Tasks: fusion with ideations, possibility to assign a task to several people
Integration of Office 365: registration and authentication with an Office 365 account, possibility to share OneDrive files
Integration of Google Suite: registration and authentication with a Google account, possibility to share Google Drive files
New discussion thread UX
February 2017
Ability to create temporary, self-destructing messages ("burning messages")
Notifications when a document is added in the Box
PDF document viewer in the spheres
Mobile application: new network creation path
Mobile application: display of entry requests
January 2017
Annual debug campaign. More than 150 bugs found and corrected.
December 2016
Statistics tool: "Whaller Analytics"
Possibility to activate "Premium" for a single sphere
Card editor (points, quiz, info...)
Interfacing Plussh & Whaller
Twitter widget
Entry course: (Join/ Create a network)
Creation of a sponsorship/ referrals page
Depreciation Internet Explorer < 10
November 2016
New entry course: "What would you like to do?" and "Join a network"
Redesign of the sphere management page: all settings accessible from this page
Performance of web interfaces
Creation of the page
October 2016
Switch to PHP7
Update of ElasticSearch search engine
Suggestions of organizations
Creation of the "connected apps" account page
September 2016
Ability to remove or add several sphere members at a time
Enrichment of events: types (carpool,...), spots available, price, PayPal.Me
Redesign of directory ergonomics and people search
Synchronization of tabs
August 2016
Improvement of real time, possibility to interact with a message while it's being updated (likes, etc.)
Creation of the "publisher" right
July 2016
Integration of IFTTT
Multiple surveys
June 2016
Redesign of the notification management page
Pin a message
May 2016
Side navigation bar
Updated on: 12/03/2025
Thank you!