What are tags?
Tags can be used to add keywords to a conversation, a sphere, an article or a profile in order to add context and precision. These tags can, for example, relate to project themes, sectors, skills, etc.
Tags in messages
You can create a tag by placing the "#" symbol before the word.
For example, writing this:

will generate this:

If you click on the tag icon in the message field, you can find the full list of tags available in your sphere. If you click on a tag, it will be attached to your message.

If you already know the tags of your sphere, when you enter the # and a letter, autocompletion will be suggested to save time.

This feature is useful when filtering messages by topic (and therefore by label) via the "funnel" symbol.
In order to filter messages by tags, several methods are possible:
By clicking on a given tag in a message, the filter will only display messages containing this same tag,
By using the search, and selecting the tag you are looking for.
An administrator can delete tags by clicking on the cross.

This is the result:

Organization tags
As an organization manager, you also have a dedicated tag management page in the "Tools" tab.

This page lists the tags already created for CMS items, and allows you to create new ones by defining a tag and a color, or to import a list of tags.
If you tick a tag by click on a square on the left, the "For selected tags" button will enable you to perform multiple actions: merge several tags, change their color or delete them.
To the right of each of the tags in the "Actions" menu, you can change the color or modify the wording of a tag using the "Edit" button, or delete it using the bin icon.
Sphere tags
A sphere administrator can decide to tag their sphere with one or more tags. This is optional and depends on the organisation tags already created by the managers. It will then be possible to search for a sphere in the sphere directory by tag.
To add tags to a sphere, an administrator needs to go to the sphere settings in the "Editorial" - "Labels" section:

Tags in CMS articles
It is also possible to add tags to articles. This will enable users to filter articles by tags in the search engine.
To do this, go to the "tags" section in the article edition mode.

Tags will be added to the top of the article.

Tags in user profiles
When registering, users will be asked to fill in their profile and labels if the organisation they are joining has any. This can also be updated afterwards in the user's profile, by clicking on their avatar and then "my profiles":

Updated on: 08/07/2024
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