Roles, rights and permissions management
Within an organization, roles have two main purposes: to facilitate the identification of members and to assign specific rights.
Roles are created and assigned to members by the organization manager.
More specifically, roles are used to:
Enrich the profiles of individuals with a function, position or name related to the organization
Visually distinguish groups of people by adding "buttons" attached to roles (visible on people's avatars in the spheres)
Mention a group of people of the same role in a sphere:
Either by clicking on the "@" tool under the message writing bar and selecting the desired role
Or by typing " @@role- ", the list of roles will be displayed in a drop-down menu
Assign specific profile fields only for certain roles ("Management > Roles & profiles > Custom profile fields") - (For more information, see the article Create a profile field)
Assign specific rights to a set of people ("Management > Roles & Profiles > Roles > Rights related to roles")
Manage "Permissions" according to roles, at the level of spheres and at the level of organizations within a federation.

From this page, it is possible to:
- Create a role (via the "+ Create a role" button on the right),
- Consult the existing roles,
- Add a role to one or more members,
- Edit (color, button, other options) or delete a role
- Make the choice of a role mandatory when invited
- Associate rights to roles (capture below)
From this menu, other options are available:
- Be able to select the role at the invitation
- Be able to select the role in analytics filters
- Allow managers of child organizations to assign this role in a federation.

NB: roles can be assigned to members in 3 ways: from the member management page, from the role management page or directly on the invitation.
To invite members with a role, two conditions must be met:
1 - the role to be assigned to the invitation must be set as "be able to select the role at the invitation" at the role level

2 - sphere administrators must have a role to which the "select a role for the invitation" right is attached

From the "Spheres" management page, click on the three small dots and access the "Permissions" section: users with one of the roles defined in the list you have entered will automatically be added to the sphere.

In the framework of a federation, i.e. a tree of organizations, go to the "Federation" management page and click on the three small dots to access the "Permissions": the users of the federation who have one of the roles defined in the list that you have entered will automatically be added to the organization.

Roles are created and assigned to members by the organization manager.
More specifically, roles are used to:
Enrich the profiles of individuals with a function, position or name related to the organization
Visually distinguish groups of people by adding "buttons" attached to roles (visible on people's avatars in the spheres)
Mention a group of people of the same role in a sphere:
Either by clicking on the "@" tool under the message writing bar and selecting the desired role
Or by typing " @@role- ", the list of roles will be displayed in a drop-down menu
Assign specific profile fields only for certain roles ("Management > Roles & profiles > Custom profile fields") - (For more information, see the article Create a profile field)
Assign specific rights to a set of people ("Management > Roles & Profiles > Roles > Rights related to roles")
Manage "Permissions" according to roles, at the level of spheres and at the level of organizations within a federation.
Create and set up roles

From this page, it is possible to:
- Create a role (via the "+ Create a role" button on the right),
- Consult the existing roles,
- Add a role to one or more members,
- Edit (color, button, other options) or delete a role
- Make the choice of a role mandatory when invited
- Associate rights to roles (capture below)
From this menu, other options are available:
- Be able to select the role at the invitation
- Be able to select the role in analytics filters
- Allow managers of child organizations to assign this role in a federation.

NB: roles can be assigned to members in 3 ways: from the member management page, from the role management page or directly on the invitation.
To invite members with a role, two conditions must be met:
1 - the role to be assigned to the invitation must be set as "be able to select the role at the invitation" at the role level

2 - sphere administrators must have a role to which the "select a role for the invitation" right is attached

Permission management
At the sphere level
From the "Spheres" management page, click on the three small dots and access the "Permissions" section: users with one of the roles defined in the list you have entered will automatically be added to the sphere.

At the federation level
In the framework of a federation, i.e. a tree of organizations, go to the "Federation" management page and click on the three small dots to access the "Permissions": the users of the federation who have one of the roles defined in the list that you have entered will automatically be added to the organization.

Updated on: 23/06/2023
Thank you!