Dashboard mode
The Dashboard mode, available only in White Label, is a feature that allows to customize the root page (home) with different widgets.
These widgets will be defined both by the managers and by the user himself using personal widgets.`
On the root page, you will find in the top bar: your favorites, your tasks and your badges but also a tab with the sphere directory of the organization.
Another particularity of the Dashboard mode is the "Active Spheres" (3) insert at the top right of the page, which allows quick access to the spheres with unread messages.
To activate this Dashboard mode, please send your request to support at: contact@whaller.com.

The manager can define generic widgets that are present on the root page of all the members of the organization. He can add some on the central part (1) and on the right side (2) (Learn more about widgets
As a manager you define the list of personal widgets that will appear by default for your members on the root page of your white label platform.
When you add a personal widget by default, it will appear in the personal widgets of all members. However, if you remove a personal default widget, it will not be removed from the personal widgets of your members who have kept it.
Each member can then customize his personal widgets (modify them, delete them or add new ones).

When a member goes to his root page, he will find the page customized by the manager and will also be able to adapt it by adding personal widgets (4).
He will also be able to modify or delete the personal widgets defined by default.
To add a widget, a member must click on "**+** New personal widget" (4)
He will then be able to display on his root page, widgets related to his personal activity within the organization: "My recent files", "My favorites", "My activity", "Calendar", as well as generic widgets "Useful links", "RSS feed", "Markdown", "Twitter", "Ausha", etc.

These widgets will be defined both by the managers and by the user himself using personal widgets.`
On the root page, you will find in the top bar: your favorites, your tasks and your badges but also a tab with the sphere directory of the organization.
Another particularity of the Dashboard mode is the "Active Spheres" (3) insert at the top right of the page, which allows quick access to the spheres with unread messages.
To activate this Dashboard mode, please send your request to support at: contact@whaller.com.

Customization by the manager
Organization widgets
The manager can define generic widgets that are present on the root page of all the members of the organization. He can add some on the central part (1) and on the right side (2) (Learn more about widgets
Personal widgets displayed by default
As a manager you define the list of personal widgets that will appear by default for your members on the root page of your white label platform.
When you add a personal widget by default, it will appear in the personal widgets of all members. However, if you remove a personal default widget, it will not be removed from the personal widgets of your members who have kept it.
Each member can then customize his personal widgets (modify them, delete them or add new ones).

Personalization by the member
When a member goes to his root page, he will find the page customized by the manager and will also be able to adapt it by adding personal widgets (4).
He will also be able to modify or delete the personal widgets defined by default.
To add a widget, a member must click on "**+** New personal widget" (4)
He will then be able to display on his root page, widgets related to his personal activity within the organization: "My recent files", "My favorites", "My activity", "Calendar", as well as generic widgets "Useful links", "RSS feed", "Markdown", "Twitter", "Ausha", etc.

Updated on: 11/01/2023
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